Category: home management

  • Ten Commandments on No Housework Day

    Ten Commandments on No Housework Day

    April 7th is celebrated in the land of Uncle Sam as No House Work Day. How wonderful. Today being Sunday which is most people’s catch up with the week’s stuff day, it is rather ironic. the definition of housework is work done in housekeeping especially cleaning and tidying. It would be an interesting carrot to…

  • One Month to Reclaiming Your house from CHAOS

    One Month to Reclaiming Your house from CHAOS

    If you suffer from CHAOS that is can’t have anyone over syndrome, like I did step in and see if my experience helps. Amma got into the car her luggage in the boot, while she and I sat comfortably behind. Ganesh is a safe driver; I do not need to worry about the road. “How…

  • Are Purifiers a Luxury or Necessity

    Are Purifiers a Luxury or Necessity

    For all of us who thought indoor air pollution is an urban myth. Well here is an eye opener from WHO. Around 3 billion people use solid fuels like charcoal, dung, and wood, crop waste to cook and to stay warm. These create high levels of indoor air pollution. In the urban set up we…

  • 6 Things to check before relocating.

    6 Things to check before relocating.

    Originally posted on Parwatisingari's Weblog: “I give you this to take with you: Nothing remains as it was. If you know this, you can begin again, with pure joy in the uprooting.” ― Judith Minty, Letters to My Daughters Looks, like Indiblogger has decided, that the New year should bring fresh beginning that includes a new…

  • Five ingredients of a healthy air space at home.

    Five ingredients of a healthy air space at home.

    I open the door the house, it  has been shut for a fortnight, it smells  of moss. I can see a trail of ants moving some destination, the putrid smell of saprophyte is also there, I realize that there must be a dead lizard or worse a rodent. Keep the bag down I do the…

  • Mah jawbox ay dishes–rescuer — Big Bosch!!

    Mah jawbox ay dishes–rescuer — Big Bosch!!

    I am hurt, angry and want to forget that I am 50+ and stamp my feet like the youngest inner child trapped in me, BlogAdda you have hurt me so terrible, that I shall go and eat some worms, big ones small ones wriggly wiggly one. Don’t stare at me, okay I get it you…