Category: Thoroughly Mundane

  • The Most Trouble I've Gotten Myself Into…

    The climbing tree Don’t trouble Trouble until trouble troubles you, For if you trouble Trouble Trouble is sure to trouble you Yup one more of my gran’s dictum. She was a great one for these and she delivered them such poker faced aplomb that it took us a while to figure that we had been…

  • The Most Wasteful Thing I Do Each Day

    Day 179: Crossword Quest each night I go to bed planning a perfect day next day. The day should start with prayers, and exercise. But alas, groggy eyed grope then put my hand forward and turn on the PC. Then the routine, of morning coffee, even when online I plan to do send off all…

  • Ramayana–Dasharata

    some random musings on ramayana

  • 200 Words, Real Fast

    Archery Panchala kanya finally sits on the throne of hastinapura, but at what price? The Mahabharata records stories of the Kuru’s and the Yadu’s.The Queen of the five Kuru princes, Draupadi she was so called because she was the daughter of King Drupada,was married to all the five brothers. The war between her husbands and…

  • Accepting apologies.

    when we say “its okay” to a apology are we letting ourselves be victims?

  • The Juggler

    yahoo, the super juggler, after shedding the superwoman's cape hey every thought of it, I am mama MIA, the universal mother, Who is a super juggler. That one juggle being the supermom, the gracious hostess with the mostest, the dentist, the writer, and the goofer. All this in perfect balance. I learnt this art from…