world art day

guwhati Srimant Sankaradeva museum (9)
various masks and heads. Brahma is a popular one, but we were not allowed to photograph it. Tribal art

April 15th is the world art day.

The International association of Arts set up UNESCO in 1954 chose this day as it is the birthday of Leonardo da Vinci.

guwhati Srimant Sankaradeva museum (7)
demo continues in front of the Gurupeet, which is honored with the Assamese Gamcha,. All artists bow to this before going a performance. Performing art meets, sculpture and paintings.


I am a little confused about this, what do they mean by art? Maybe anything that is not science. Or is focused on drawing, paintings and pictures, or is it based on the larger picture like music, dance, drama.

Creating awareness about creativity is also part of this.

Creativity is anything that improves the quality of life. The steam engine is as much the out put of creative energy as a painting or an opera is. So here is an invite share your art and creative venture.

world art day (1)
hasekale folk art from Karnataka
world art day (2)
Mandala kale

The more organic form of Mandala is the Zendala. Which is geometric development. It is a flow and you can build it as you feel inspired. Zentangles are other meditative art forms.

world art day (3)
world art day
wall art at Taleigao temple
world art day-rangoli
Rangoli by arts at Pune

Sometimes I think we are so absorbed with our definition of art, that we forget the informal creative patterns that are created by people, it is called “doodle” or “doodling ” with a lot of disdain. Doodles are quite often found in school notebooks

  • For those of you who would like to try meditative art, just take a deep breathe centre yourself.
  • begin with a dot, and just let the pattern take you along.
  • The building can be repetitive or organic pattern.
  • If you are someone who enjoys musics then play any soothing music with no percussions in it.
  • If you are dealing with something then when you place the first dot just contemplate on the issue and begin your pattern as the pattern evolves you could either reach a resolution or the issue will loose its grip on you.

If I have patients who are very disturbed with multiple thoughts then I ask them to do 15mnts of Zendala’s for 21 days. It slowly channelizes the thoughts and brings it to a flow from where it is easy to translate them.







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2 responses to “world art day”

  1. xhobdo Avatar

    Loved to read your post.

    1. parwatisingari Avatar

      Thanks Xhobdo, I like your name. and ‘X’ instead of sh. 🙂

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