Category: events

  • To Be or Not Be Vegetarian.

    To Be or Not Be Vegetarian.

    The world vegetarian day is observed annually around the planet on October 1st.  In reality it celebrates the establishment of North American Vegetarian society.  This was in 1977 and endorsed in 1978 by international vegetarian union. The ideology being to promote joy, compassion and life-enhancing possibilities of vegetarianism. It brings to awareness the ethical, environmental,…

  • Stout Celebrations.

    Stout Celebrations.

    Whoever drinks beer, he is quick to sleep; whoever sleeps long, does not sin; whoever does not sin, enters Heaven! Thus, let us drink beer!” ― Martin Luther

  • world cultural diversity day

    world cultural diversity day

    In a new place just talk to your auto driver, you will learn a lot. One thing that impressed me was the anger that the auto driver at Trivandrum had against Amity Shah for his insensitiveness is wishing people happy Vamana jayanthi without realizing that Onam is the festival of Kerala and not just the…

  • Healing the Mother on Mother’s day

    Healing the Mother on Mother’s day

    Its mother’s day. What can I gift my mother for mother’s day. We have been fed with amazing stories of mothers, Kunti, Jijabhai’s and Kaikeyi’s. From our tradition. Coming to independent India we have the all we have that lady I forget her name, the abused sacrificing doormat mother. I think her name was Sulochana…

  • world art day

    world art day

    April 15th is the world art day. The International association of Arts set up UNESCO in 1954 chose this day as it is the birthday of Leonardo da Vinci.   I am a little confused about this, what do they mean by art? Maybe anything that is not science. Or is focused on drawing, paintings…

  • world sibling day

    world sibling day

    Today is the world sibling day. So I am back to contemplating on the relationship. Once upon a prompt we were asked to mull over being without siblings. So I wondered how life would be if I had grown without sibling. Then I had a blog post where I grappled with siblings and the intricacies…